Now you can enjoy the smell of Christmas all year round! Making this pine infused vinegar spray is easy. Use as you would any vinegar based cleaning spray (avoid use on unsealed tiles, granite and marble). Thanks to Creative Explained for this idea.
Bark chips and mulch look great in the garden, but can leave behind marks on paths and garden beds. Vinegar to the rescue!!! Thanks to Elite Garden Care for this demonstration and information.
Keeping your garden tools clean will prolong their life and help stop the spread of disease. DYC white vinegar will remove rust as well asĀ kill fungal diseases.
If your yoga mat is feeling a bit sticky or smelly it’s time to give it a clean. Using DYC white vinegar in the mixture below helps to sanitise and remove any smells.
When was the last time you cleaned your toothbrush? We dont tend to think about cleaning our toothbrush very often. Toothbrushes can harbour a lot of bacteria. Electric toothbrush heads in particular have nooks and crannies that need a good clean. It is a good idea to do this once […]
Turmeric is one stain that is difficult to remove. Try this technique below using the cleaning power of DYC white vinegar! Always test in an inconspicuous place first.
Hate cleaning pans where your food has stuck to the bottom of the pan??? We have a tip for you to make your pan non stick. The secret is in letting the pan warm up to the right temperature BEFORE adding any oil. But how do you know that your […]